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UVUDF Catalogs

The UVUDF catalog described in Rafelski et al. 2015 is available in two formats, and both can be downloaded here:

1) Binary fits file

2) ASCII file

Table 5 in Rafelski et al. 2015 describes the column numbers, names, and descriptions of the columns.

Webpages for each galaxy in the catalog created by Marc Rafelski and Dan Coe are available here .

A list of Galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts is available here.

An ASCII file with these spectroscopic redshifts can be downloaded here.

The photometric redshifts in the catalog and webpage make use of 11 photometric bands. The image mosaics are produced by Anton Koekemoer and the catalog is produced by Marc Rafelski and the UVUDF team. The images are from the following surveys:

WFC3/UVIS mosaics (F225W, F275W, F336W) from UVUDF (Teplitz et al. 2013).

WFC3/IR mosaics (F105W, F125W, F140W, F160W) UDF12 (Ellis et al. 2013; Koekemoer et al. 2013) and from the CANDELS IR in GOODS-south (Koekemoer et al. 2011).

ACS mosaics (F435W, F606W, F775W, F850LP) from ACS UDF (Beckwith et al. 2006).

Page maintained by Marc Rafelski